Ordination to the Diaconate Process

Qualities for a Deacon

If you sense a CALL, you are an ASPIRANT

To begin, you will work with your FAITH COMMUNITY & BISHOP
  • Speak to your congregation’s Rector/Vicar/Priest-in-Charge
  • Rector/Vicar/Priest-in-Charge sends the Bishop a Letter of Introduction and Support.
  • Submit Declaration of Intent- Form 1
  • Bishop invites Aspirant to meet
  • Aspirant is invited to continue with next steps
  • Aspirant submits Waiver of ConfidentialityForm 2A and Release of RecordsForm 2B
  • Public records check
  • Aspirant makes appointment with clinicians chosen by the Bishop for a Psychological Evaluation- Complete: Behavioral Screening Questionnaire (BSQ), Mental Health Evaluation, and Life History forms
  • Bishop grants permission to continue discernment on congregational level
  • Form Congregational Discernment Team (CDT) – Guidelines
  • Attend Discernment Team meetings as scheduled
  • Discernment Team completes Discernment Team Report Form 3
You may then be ready for NOMINATION
  • Rector/Vicar/Priest-in-Charge and the Vestry or Bishop’s Committee review the Discernment Team Report, interview the Aspirant, and decides whether to nominate the Aspirant as a Postulant for ordination as a Deacon
  • If nominated, the Rector/Vicar/Priest-in-Charge completes Nomination Form 4 and sends with Form 3 to the Bishop, along with a copy of the Aspirant’s spiritual autobiography
  • Bishop reviews Forms 3 and 4 and the Aspirant’s spiritual autobiography and decides whether to grant Nominee status
The next step is POSTULANCY Outline
  • Nominee completes Application for Postulancy- Form 5
  • Nominee schedules medical appointment with personal physician and doctor completes Medical Exam Questionnaire
  • Nominee interviews with Commission on Ministry (COM)
  • COM discusses interview with Bishop and makes recommendation
  • Bishop discerns decision to admit to Postulancy
  • Postulant registers in program of formation.
  • Postulant writes Ember Day Letters to Bishop (Title III, Canon 6, Section 3e)
  • Postulant attends Diocesan Convention annually as able
During the 2nd year is a transition to CANDIDACY
  • Postulant completes Application for Candidacy- Form 6
  • Rector/Vicar/Priest-in-Charge and Vestry or Bishop’s Committee complete Affirmation for Candidacy-Form 7
  • Background Check updated if necessary
  • Postulant updates spiritual autobiography
  • Postulant interviews with COM and Standing Committee (SC) for Candidacy
  • On advice of SC, Bishop may grant Candidacy and informs Postulant
  • Candidate completes canonical exams.
  • If needed, update medical and/or psychological evaluation, along with release and confidentiality forms- Form 3 and Form 4
  • Candidate completes Safe Church, Anti-Racism, Title IV training, and other canonically required trainings.
After completion of the educational process is ordination to the DIACONATE
  • Candidate completes Application to be Ordained a Deacon- Form 8
  • Candidate and Nominating Church leadership completes Affirmation for Ordination – Form 9
  • Candidate updates spiritual autobiography
  • Ordination interviews with COM and SC
  • SC sends testimonial to Bishop regarding ordination to the Diaconate
  • With the advice of SC, Bishop may approve ordination and schedule diaconal ordination date